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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Glittery, Eco-safe Fractal Fun

Another year of insanity has slipped by and there are less than 100 days until Christmas. No pressure, no pressure... I, for one, am hopeful for some Peace and Joy. May we all receive a share.

As usual, I have a new holiday design to share. I continued playing with fractals, but this time, instead of a purist approach, I created individual fractal elements and combined them into a trio of ornate, metallic and enameled spheres hung from golden cords, suspended before a glittering, fresh green background.

Every element in this image—the ornaments, the cords and the background—is each a separately created fractal.

That's not to say that I made each one from scratch to use in this card. I searched through the files of everything I'd made previously to find designs that would look good after adding a final transform to convert it into a sphere. Here's an example of one before applying that transformation. As you can see, I also changed the color palette. 

Ornament Pattern

As for the background, the full image doesn't look like much, but zoom, crop, and voila!

And that brings me a message I'd like to promote: GLITTER IS BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT

Unless it's a new, biodegradable variety, it is a MICROPLASTIC which often is also coated with metallic materials, all of which play havoc on the delicate balance of aquatic ecosystems and eventually end up in our food and our bodies.

Not to mention that I'm busy enough around the holidays without having to stop to sweep up debris after opening a card. Remember, if it's bad for wildlife, it's bad for household pets too. Please, people, stay away from this stuff. No one wants a mess made by a greeting card.

To emphasize this message, my card includes this image on the back, also cut from the same glitter fractal image.

"Fractal Ornaments in Gold" is available on folded cards, flat cards and postcards. Keep an eye open for Zazzle discount codes! These codes, or a link to them, are always on a narrow banner at the top of every Zazzle page.

My holiday wish is comfort and contentment, for you and for all creatures great and small. Thank you for visiting!

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